Friday, May 28, 2010

GREEN teaser #1

The Haps: Part 2

Aside from hangin around the city and working on GREEEEEEN I recently went to AZ with the USD all star dudes to film n hang out with Dustin Latimer. Its hard not to geek out when dustin starts skating.. He's still fun to watch.. So here's pics from that mission.. Stay tuned for an edit of DL n KG in AZ..

recently saw the Banksy film

then i saw some Banksy paint


demetrios en route to AZ

KG handlin..

cali mountains

Rachard Johnson

KG manned the wheel the whole trip.. Thanks dude..

erick in the backseat and me bored & on photoshop

i film stuff


D Latimer

yo y lil j's pup

me, kg, larj

reefer madness

breakin the law (in az)

Erick n them gold jug$

rachard, me, dl, demetrios @ sonic.. CHERRY LIMEADE!

Dustin Latimer

OK back to workin on this teaser.. See you guys tonight!


Tuesday, May 25, 2010

The Haps: Part 1

Aside from putting the finishing touches on GREEN I've been participating in all sorts of fun activities. Here's some of whats been goin down..


super super 8

obi and jc share a sectoin in Fade Nation 3.. jc caught sleepin on the job here

Negrete had a birthday in there

sleeper dude guy

moar jc

negrete & the farm

claw game winners

homie at the bowling alley

victor galicia

victor galiciagain

ben schwab live @ the unknown theater

the dough rollers (are amazing)

i was in an afro classics video getting beat up.. this is scarub gettin arrested in the video

i also starred in a bunch of short films for negrete and his classmates.. i kinda need to try and get those

extras for negrete's short film

i went shooting pics with xsjado team.. jeff stockwell does a shifty royale

Jon Bolino

sticker collection (that im donating to intuition)

to be continued..